“Show ‘Words Found’ Window” is currently selected. This option brings the ‘Words Found’ window to the front at the end of a round of play. Click here to turn on the option to bring the ‘Words Found’ window to the front at the end of a round of play. “Override Time Limit” is currently selected. This option allows you to continue play past the preset time limit. Click here to be given the choice to continue play past the preset time limit. The current cell selection method is dragging. To enter a word, drag through cells in the board with the mouse. As always, you may also use the keyboard to enter words. Click here to change the cell selection method to dragging. To enter a word with the dragging method, drag through the cells in the board with the mouse. The current cell selection method is clicking. To enter a word, click on individual cells in the board with the mouse. As always, you may also use the keyboard to enter words. Click here to change the cell selection method to clicking. To enter a word with the clicking method, click on individual cells in the board. Click here to change the font, style, or case of the letters in the board. This is a sample of the currently selected font and style of the letters in the board. Click here to change the minimum word length setting. Click here to turn off all of the sounds that may be heard at the end of a round. They include the sounds you hear when you make a new high score, when you find all the words in a board, or when words are being looked up in the dictionary. Click here to turn on all of the sounds that may be heard at the end of a round. They include the sounds you hear when you make a new high score, when you find all the words in a board, or when words are being looked up in the dictionary. Click here to turn off the timer sound. The timer sound is heard when the preset time limit for a round has expired. Click here to turn on the timer sound. The timer sound is heard when the preset time limit for a round has expired. Click here to turn off the board sound. The board sound is played at the beginning of a round Click here to turn on the board sound. The board sound is played at the beginning of a round. The current board size is large. Click here to change the board size to large. The current board size is medium. Click here to change the board size to medium. The current board size is small. Click here to change the board size to small. The current board shape is triangle. Click here to change the shape of the board's cells to triangle. The current board shape is square. Click here to change the shape of the board's cells to square. The current board shape is hexagon. Click here to change the shape of the board's cells to hexagon. Click here to ignore any changes you have made. Click here to accept the marked options.